What To Do On St. Patrick’s Day


St. Patrick (photo by Andreas F. Borchert, via Wikipedia, used under Creative Common license).

One of the years I lived in Boston, we all went to Matt Murphy’s, a pub in Brookline, for St. Patrick’s Day. At the time, in the mid 1990s, this traditional Irish pub was consistently ranked as one of the best places for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. We got there early, dined on stew and shepherd’s pie, and drank Guinness until quite late. We celebrated an “Irish” holiday in a very Irish city and had a great time.

For most of our other Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations, we went to a dive bar called Fathers Too (which later changed it’s name to PJ Kilroys). It was near Boston University, where we worked, and we went there most nights. As graduate students, we drank whatever the cheapest pitcher special was — usually Budweiser — and ate at Taco Bell, or some other fast food restaurant, before heading over there. The pub was decked out with strings of green plastic shamrocks, and the table cards that hawked Bud all had an “Irish” theme (probably a red-headed girl in a green bikini). So, we all knew it was St. Patrick’s day, but we didn’t care . . . and we had a great time.

So, I think you can see where this is going. Enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day with friends or family and you’ll likely have a good time. You can get caught up in all the hoopla, if you want, but you can also avoid it and have a perfectly nice St. Patrick’s Day.

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Beer News (March 10-March 16)

BWJlogoOK, I usually start the beer news roundup with a listicle, and — as you might expect — this week there were plenty of them. Every media outlet in the world seemingly wanted to publish a St. Patrick’s Day beer list. I decided to skip them, because you can just search for “St. Patrick’s Day” and check the endless news results. Also, I suspect that homebrewers more than anyone know what beers they’d like to drink on this holiday.

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