First Round NHC Judging (Austin, 2015)


Mark Schoppe judging spice, herb, and vegetable beers with me (not pictured) at the 2015 NHC first rounds in Austin, TX.,

This past weekend, I judged at the NHC first rounds in Austin, TX. For me, there was a certain amount of déjà vu. The Austin regionals were again organized by Neil Spake. It was held at a brewery again, although this time it was Independence Brewing. And, weirdly enough, I judged the same flights as last year.

Last year I showed up for the final day of judging (same as this year) and judged the mini-BOS of spice, herb, and vegetable (SHV) beers; and smoked and wood aged beers. This year, I judged those two categories, and additionally the mini-BOS for sours. (Note to self: Get off your butt next year and make it out for every day of judging.)  [Read more…]

October ZEALOTS Meeting


Evan Whitesides and Mike Simmons of Meridian Hive. Their meads will be available in the Austin area soon.

On Saturday, my wife and I went to the October meeting of the Austin ZEALOTS homebrewing club. These days, ZEALOTS meetings are held at a different brewery every month. And with the explosion in the number of breweries in Austin, we’ve had plenty of places to choose from.

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