Corey Martin is the Primary Fermenter of the Austin ZEALOTS (Zymurgic Enthusiasts of Austin Loosely Organized Through Suds) homebrew club. He and his wife Angela also host the annual Christmas party — which now includes a chili cookoff — at their house. This is a recipe for Corey’s Munich dunkel. presented in two forms — all-grain using English units and all-grain using metric units. Because of the high amount of Munich malt in the grist, an extract adaptation isn’t really feasible.
Krunkel Dunkel
All-grain (English units)
by Corey J. Martin
This is an all-grain Munich dunkel recipe that won the 2011 Sam Adams Longshot homebrew competition. It is a Munich dunkel, an amber to dark, medium-bodied brew. With a nice malty backbone, this lager has roasty, slightly spicy notes and a traditional doughy character from the yeast. I’ve tried the beer with several different yeast strains, but like the original Bohemian lager strain, (Wyeast 2124) the best.
INGREDIENTS (for 6.25 gallons)
Water Profile*
171 ppm Ca+2
3 ppm Mg+2
17 ppm Na+2
87 ppm SO4-2
103 ppm Cl–
136 ppm HCO3–
*note: I use RO water and build it up, thus all the salts.
Malts and Other Fermentables
(for an OG of 1.060 at 77% extract efficiency and an SRM of 23)
8.5 lb. Munich malt
2.5 lb. Pilsner malt
1.0 lb. crystal malt (40 °L)
1.0 lb. melanoidin malt
5.0 oz. crystal malt (60 L)
4.0 oz debittered black barley**
2.0 oz. chocolate malt**
**These roasted malts are pulverized in a coffee grinder and added to the mash at the start of sparging.
Hops (for 21 IBUs total)
Hallertau hops (18 IBUs)
1.5 oz. (at 4.3% alpha acids) boiled for 60 minutes
Hallertau hops (3 IBUs)
0.5 oz. (at 4.3% alpha acids) boiled for 20 minutes
Yeast (to attenuate to FG 1.015 for an ABV of 5.7%)
Wyeast 2124 (Bohemian Lager)
(a decanted 2 quart yeast starter is suggested)
Processing Aids and Other
1 tablet Whirlfloc (boiled for 10 mins)
1/2 tsp. yeast nutrients (boiled for 10 minutes)
Make yeast starter 3–4 days ahead of time. On brewday, heat 18 qts. of brewing liquor to 164 °F and mash grains, at 153 °F, for 60 minutes. Stir the mash every 15 minutes. Mash out to 165 °F. Recirculate wort until clear, then run off. Sparge with 170 °F H2O and collect about 9 gallons. Boil wort for 90 minutes, to yield post-boil volume around 6.75 gallons. Add hops and Whirl-floc at times indicated. Chill wort, then rack sanitized vessel. Your yield should be about 6-6.25 gallons. I chill over night to allow for a good cold break and a low pitching temperature. Rack off of cold break into a sanitized fermenter. Aerate wort thoroughly and pitch sediment from yeast starter. Ferment at 50 °F for 3-4 weeks, then keg or bottle.
Krunkel Dunkel
All-grain (metric units)
by Corey J. Martin
This is an all-grain Munich dunkel recipe that won the 2011 Sam Adams Longshot homebrew competition. It is a Munich Ddunkel, an amber to dark, medium-bodied brew. With a nice malty backbone, this lager has roasty, slightly spicy notes and a traditional doughy character from the yeast. I’ve tried the beer with several different yeast strains, but like the original Bohemian lager strain, (Wyeast 2124) the best.
Water Profile*
171 ppm Ca+2
3 ppm Mg+2
17 ppm Na+2
87 ppm SO4-2
103 ppm Cl–
136 ppm HCO3–
*note: I use RO water and build it up, thus all the salts.
Malts and Other Fermentables
(for an OG of 1.060 at 77% extract efficiency and an SRM of 23)
3.9 kg Munich malt
1.1 kg Pilsner malt
450 g crystal malt (40 °L)
450 g melanoidin malt
140 g crystal malt (60 °L)
110 g debittered black barley**
57 g chocolate malt**
**These roasted malts are pulverized in a coffee grinder and added to the mash at the start of sparging.
Hops (for 21 IBUs total)
Hallertau hops (18 IBUs)
42 g (at 4.3% alpha acids) boiled for 60 minutes
Hallertau hops (3 IBUs)
14 g (at 4.3% alpha acids) boiled for 20 minutes
Yeast (to attenuate to FG 1.015 for an ABV of 5.7%)
Wyeast 2124 (Bohemian Lager)
(a decanted 2 liter yeast starter is suggested)
Processing Aids and Other
1 tablet Whirlfloc (boiled for 10 mins)
1/2 tsp. yeast nutrients (boiled for 10 minutes)
Make yeast starter 3–4 days ahead of time. On brewday, heat 17 L of brewing liquor to 73 °C and mash grains, at 67 °C, for 60 minutes. Stir the mash every 15 minutes. Mash out to 74 °C. Recirculate wort until clear, then run off. Sparge with 77 °F H2O and collect about 34 L. Boil wort for 90 minutes, to yield post-boil volume around 26 L gallons. Add hops and Whirl-floc at times indicated. Chill wort, then rack sanitized vessel. Your yield should be about 23–24 L. I chill over night to allow for a good cold break and a low pitching temperature. Rack off of cold break into a sanitized fermenter. Aerate wort thoroughly and pitch sediment from yeast starter. Ferment at 10 °C for 3-4 weeks, then keg or bottle.
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