This was definitely the week for 2013 reviews, and Parade magazine gave what they felt were the weirdest beer stories of 2013. In Oregon, a former biochemist opens a brewpub with a science theme. In Egypt, archaeologists open the tomb of the brewer to Amenhotep III. The history of brewing is documented at San Diego’s Museum of Man. When Starbucks sent a cease and desist letter to a small brewpub (Missouri’s Exit 6 Brewery), they probably didn’t expect this funny response. The beer world is clogged with beer review blogs, but I’ll bet few are as cranky as the one written by this guy, who doesn’t like Kickstarter-funded brewing projects. And finally, Sierra Nevada released a time-lapse video of the fermentation of 2013’s Bigfoot Barleywine, to the strains of “In the Hall of the Mountain King,” by Edvard Grieg.
One more — the most hungover cities in the US. The “researchers”cite the number of breweries in the city as part of the study. Apparently they are unaware that a small brewpub in a big town probably doesn’t change per capita beer consumption much.
Why does the Bigfoot krausen rise and subside 3 times?
I would be interested to know this, as well! Perhaps they made multiple batches on the same yeast? Anyone know?
It looks to me that the fermenter was filled with two volumes of wort.